Released date: January 17, 2023
- Users who previously completed the game will have access to NewGame+ after the patch.
- Application restart may be required.
- Requires an active save file from game completion. If users did not retain a save file from beating the game, they will need to complete the game again to unlock New Game+
- Added New Game Plus. Complete the game to unlock New Game Plus and carry your progress over to a new save. All weapons, upgrades, and Callisto Credits can be collected at the first Reforge
- General performance optimizations across all platforms
- Players no longer take damage when vaulting over obstacles
- Fixed multiple issues where certain camera angles or progression paths could cause environments to stream out and allow Jacob to fall through the ground
- Consistency pass on cabinets, lockers, and shelves to display correctly in High Contrast mode
- Voice leveling and subtitle mismatch adjustments across localized languages
- Fixed low-frequency crash in the Tunnels level during the Two Head fight
- Skip Cinematics button has been mapped to the Interact/Pickup input
- Fixed a long hitch when enabling Ray-Traced Shadows in the main menu
- Prevented mouse cursor from displaying during some area transitions
- Fixed an issue where some users were not correctly granted the "The Protocol is About Life" achievement
- Fixed low-frequency crash in Snowcat when Jacob is talking to Dani